Monday 12 March 2012

Clothing Haul and a Revelation

Lately I've become a little bit Forever 21 crazy and it doesn't help that I now have one 15 minutes from my house instead of an hour away making it that much easier to just pop in and find a bunch of things I like. A couple of weeks ago I saw the Rory Becca resort collection online and immediately saw a bunch of things I wanted but I've never really had much luck finding the things I see online in stores so I sort of just dismissed it. Much to my surprise though less than a week later when I went into a F21 they had the collection out and I got to get what I wanted.

Friday 9 March 2012

Wish List:Makeup

I've become slightly shopping crazy with makeup and clothes since Christmas so I've been trying to cut back my spending. Since I know I wouldn't be able to go cold turkey for a whole month I've decided to let myself get one thing a week. That being said I already have a list a mile long of things I want to buy.

NARS Laguna Bronzer 

Sunday 4 March 2012

Nails of the Week: Blue Collar

Orly- Blue Collar
I've been on the hunt for the perfect blue nail polish for Spring for a while now and I think I've finally found it. When I went into Sally's Beauty Supply to kill some time I didn't think I would walk out with this amazing color.

Friday 2 March 2012

February Favorites

This is a few day's late as it's already the 3rd of March. But better late than never. 
I had a lot of favorites in the month of February. Most of the things are products that I have been wearing on a daily basis.
(Left-Right)Wet n Wild Color Icon Blush, Smashbox Photo Finish Primer

What's Been On My Nails:Fall Edition

I love fall; it's one of my favourite times of the year, and I especially love bringing out all of my fall nail colours. I wanted to br...